What is Addiction?
Addiction is defined, by Ernie Larsen, as  "a pathological love, trust relationship with an object or event."  It is the replacement of self-esteem, love for others,and communication with a Higher Power by a drug or event of our choice.

It is human to have addictions.  However, when our life is being destroyed, we must find something beside our addiction to give us the "good stuff" of life.  Then we must find the courage to embrace this new lifestyle.

What is a Therapeutic Community?

M. Scott Peck describes community as "a group of individuals who have learned how to communicate honestly with each other, whose relationships go deeper than their "masks of composure", and who have developed some significant commitment to rejoice together, mourn together, to delight in each other and make other's conditions their own."  Our community is not confrontational or degrading. 

How can We Help?

The residential program consists of 60 town homes is located in suburban New Orleans, Louisiana.  Our staff members, under the direction of a Licensed Addiction Counselor, are all in recovery themselves.They have "been there, and done that".  Recent studies indicate that many substance abusers also have psychological issues.  Treatment of these dually diagnosed addicts is holistic.   Medication management is provided as needed.  Treatment consists of counseling, therapeutic groups, random drug tests and twelve step meetings.   Staff is on-site 24/7.  Care is coordinated with family who are encouraged to visit and participate in the clients recovery. 

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